Perspectives on MIL
Chair: Bess LAM
B2-1 Meaning in life and the eyes: A retinal imaging study in young adults
Carole LEUNG, Henry H. L. CHAN and Bess Yin-Hung LAM
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HKSAR and Hong Kong Shue Yan University, HKSAR
B2-2 How do we perceive meaning in life? The view of meaning judgment model
Zhanhong LI
Tsinghua University, China
B2-3 The relationship between materialistic happiness and meaning in life: The role of household income and personality
On-Ting LO, Sing-Hang CHEUNG, Veronica Ka-Wai LAI
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HKSAR; The University of Hong
Kong, HKSAR; University of Manitoba, Canada