Ms. Yick-Man Mon LAM

Ms. Yick-Man Mon LAM

Senior Manager, Youth Services, St. James’ Settlemen


擁有社工學士學位及擁有 16 年以上之助理社會工作主任工作經驗,並有超過 7 年督導中小學駐校服務經驗。目前正領導一支由 12 名社工組成的團隊,負責管理工作及駐校社工的臨床監督,並透過不同的項目計劃,積極發展與青年及家長相關的心理健康服務。 近年更針對社會需要,發展不同的新服務,例如以情緒導向治療來改善親子關係,在不同的中小學推動正向教育工作,協助學校建立關愛文化。

Possessed 16 years of both managerial and clinical experiences in youth and family services. Ms. Yick-Man LAM presently heads up a team of 12 social workers responsible for management work, clinical supervision on school social work service, youth mental health project and positive education project in St. James’ Settlement. She had solid experience on youth and family counseling as well as family education. Recent specialty is on positive psychology programs and emotional-focused therapy for people with different emotional and mental problems.